Shenron Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:17 pm
(this message is copied from the post on the FN boards)
I have my computer back and I'm working on some video and other things... but I thought I would catch all you guys up on whats going on in the flat wastes of SoDak!
1. We are in the works for an NSU Dagorhir club, so we can have indoor practice in the winter and gain more interest in the college community.
2. The continual thorn in my side "the Wall" AKA the assholes that don't like me that I used to work with at Walmart once again proven there lack of respect buy posting fliers for there group under the name of Belegarth... now I know lots of you have been to Bel events, have you ever seen them there? NO... they continue to push my buttons and fail to follow any rule except the half SCA rules that one of there most prominent of member seems to mix in. the fact that they show me NO RESPECT what so ever is my biggest problem with them... and this only started because I was asked by the Art Council to perform at the Celtic Fair.
Which brings me to 3. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!
some of you may know that I have been having a hard time here in Aberdeen, and that things have changed a lot here as well.
coming this summer I am going to move, where I'm not sure yet... but I have 3 options... with my Mom to Alaska, back to MN to Bemidji where it seem to be the most likely of choices or to Virgina to dedicate more of my life to Dag because it really is all that I have to keep me happy. The GTG have excepted me as family and I love them for that and I know I have a place there if I so desire.
The move will most likely take place after I hold the City of the Damned event in Federal Dam MN memorial day weekend, (I have more info to come on that soon) Its up to the Fates to decide where I go next all I know is I'm on my way to a new adventure!